Friday, October 22, 2010

How to quit smoking in an easy way ?

I've been smoking since 6 years. I want to quit forever and by going cold turkey without taking tables or patches. Any tips ?How to quit smoking in an easy way ?
be strongHow to quit smoking in an easy way ?
lots of dedication, power and will. there is no easy way to do it. my mother smoked for 15 years, she quite almost 7 years ago, cold turkey, and even now when she smells cigarettes whats to pick up one.

good luck, and hope ur gona keep up ur good work

some small tips: try staying away from bars and clubs,as those are always filled with us smokers.
There is no easy way. I've been smoking for 50 years. If it were easy nobody would be smoking.
Good Luck. My husband did Chantix. It worked amazangly. He hasnt smoked in 12 weeks. Going cold turkey will have to be pure will power. Good luck to you. There is no easy way.
The first three days are the toughest, so once you're through that, it gets a lot easier. Here are my tips:

1. Avoid hanging out with smoking buddies for those first three days, at least.

2. Start exercising - your lungs will let you know what they think of all the crap you've been putting into them.

3. Try to Avoid coffee and alcohol or anything that you complement smoking with for at least one week.

4. Change your mindset to think of yourself as a non-smoker.

5. Be a warrior - and nicotine is the enemy.

Good luck!
There is no easy way to quit cold turkey. You need to have major will power if u plan to quit without aid. I was smoking for just over 12 years and I quit just over 2 weeks ago. I am using patches and at times get major cravings, but the patches help to get rid of those cravings in less then 5 minutes. I even have good days with them where I have no cravings at all.

You should try using patches for at least 2-4 weeks. As the saying goes, it takes 1 day to gain a bad habit and 21 days to break it.

Otherwise you can go to your doctor and he may be able to suggest an alternative for quitting and give you some good advice.

I wish you luck in your quest to quit and I hope you will be successful. Your body will thank you for it.
Hi, i know how you feel. I tried without success to quit for years but i am now free from those cancer sticks for 7 months now. I did it without the patches or gum.

Just to motivate you even more take a look at these immediate benifits from stoping now.

Within 20 minutes of stopping smoking your blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature return to normal

Within 8 hours the carbon monoxide level in your blood returns to normal and your smokers breath begins to disappear

Within 3 days your chance of having a heart attack decreases and your nerve endings begin to redevelop. Your ability to smell and taste improves dramatically. Breathing also becomes easier.

Within 2 months your circulation improves. Lungs become cleaner which reduces chance of infection. Your smokers cough improves and fatigue is reduced giving you more energy.

After one year your chances of having a heart attack is reduced by half. The chances of getting cancer is also reduced.

After 10 years your risk of having a heart attack or stroke is the same as someone who has never smoked

Think of all the money your save.
I am on day eight of quitting smoking. Check this out. My grandfathers died in their late 60's of emphysema. My stepfather died 4 years ago from lung and liver. You do the math on that one.

My father quit smoking one year ago at the age of 66. And I have so far spent the last 6 months dragging my father through CHEMO and RADIATION. He had to wear this super tight mask that kept him totally still. Well his voice is permanently burned and 8 days ago he got lymph edema all around his throat.(google it) He says it's super painful and is losing weight again. I had 2 cigarettes left at that time and I smoked em and haven't had another one since. I am 40. They all died or are going to die in their late 60's. I know we all die but I have see them all die. All due to smokes. Their deaths were all painful and slow, dude. Just smoke what you have and decide to be a non smoker. I could tell you some bad stories about their deaths but i wont. Google that too. Dude Just quit like I did. You dont want to die gurgling for your next breath because your lungs sometimes ';aint so great'; I've seen it twice and am witnessing it again as I write this. I refuse to die like that and yopu should too
Be aware of ...

- No one can quit if not entirely convinced to do so.

- There's no best nor easy way to quit.

- Everyone is different in the way they stop smoking.

- What worked for someone might not work for others.

- The only way to tell if any given method works or not for someone is to try it.

- Anything to stop that habit is worth it.

I suggest reading

The site has a poor design but its contents is very reach.
imagine you are starving the little nicotine-monster inside you, pretty soon it will be dead, and you will be free. best wishes.

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