Friday, October 22, 2010

How much should I expect (or ask) to make doing this job?

I plan on applying for this job soon...And I really don't know what wage to ask for/expect at the table.

My job will mainly consist of:

Using computer programs (Microsoft Office) to improve their business, do their accounting, or whatever else may come.

Looking up information for them. (Finding shows, finding the best deals on parts, etc.)

My job may consist of :

Some programming (small business)

Some graphic design

Some networking

Anything related to the computer whatsoever.

Any other jobs required/asked.

I don't have a complete list, as I haven't formally 'applied' yet. But I would like to know what I expect to make.

In the way of qualifications, I have no formal experience in this field. I have some formal training/certification, quite a bit of self-training, and can easily demonstrate/provide references to excellence in the field of technology. I have plenty of references willing to show my work ethic. Hard working, quick learner, willing to do whatever is asked and meet every deadline. I've never been fired, and I am currently employed. ( I would only quit for a higher pay, since I plan on moving soon...)

Thanks for any and all answers, I really appreciate the help!How much should I expect (or ask) to make doing this job?
umm i think personally $18 an hour would be appropriate for your qualities that i've readHow much should I expect (or ask) to make doing this job?
It's never always crystal clear how to start off looking for a job, I was in a quandary over the past few weeks when I was job hunting, until I discovered the website in the box below that has sensible tips and tricks. I soon got myself going down the true way, and in a month or so after a couple of interviews I landed a really good job.

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