The kitten jumps on the table, nips at the bag and eats whatevere he wants. We don't want to use trash barrels. We also don't eat at the table we put the trash on.
How Do I stop My Kitten From Jumping On the table and eating from the trash?
We use our fly swatter.. Not to hit them of course...we never hit them. But its a nice clean loud smack on the table itself. We had to do it about 3 times and never again have they even stepped up to the table.
Its the noise that got them.How Do I stop My Kitten From Jumping On the table and eating from the trash?
spray bottle with water. every time and right away...he/she will learn fast and it doesnt hurt them...they just usually hate water
I agree with the answers above....A spray bottle/loud noises does tend to work wonders, but as an addition, you may wish to purchase an all natural animal repellent to spray directly on the trash bags (it it's outdoors you may need to apply every 24 hrs or more). No brands come to mind, but I used to have some all natural apple cider based spray that I'd apply to the trash to keep my dog out of it and it did say it worked for cats as well. Worked quite well; just another thing to think about. Good luck!
get a spray bottle and fill it with water and spray him when he goes on the table or put the plastic bags somewhere else
Toss the bags into the back yard, or spray the bags with something that smells like orange, lemon, or banana; my cats just hate the smell of citris or any kind of rind or peel.
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