Buy professional pool table felt at a good sporting good store or online, just do a Google or Ebay search for pool table felt. Lot's of people sell it. It's a better grade than fabric store felt. For re-felting service, best deal is to find someone who's put one together themselves. I got mine at Sears and did it myself. With some good instructions, good spray adhesive (3M #77) you can do it yourself. Again, look online for a vhs tape of refelting instructions if you can't find anyone to do it. I would not pay $200 for the service. Find someone who's done it or find a good tape w/ instructions. It's not that hard. Cutting the pockets is the most difficult but not bad once you get the hang of it. Don't try it w/out good instructions.How can I get new felt for pool table?
try google
It's easy! measure your table then order the felt it comes custom and you can use the glue to put it do table and pocket areas first then each may have to put your pockets back on but thats no big deal..I have done this many times far as leveling your table get a 4 or 6 foot level adjust your footings if they are screw kind other wise shim the legs until level length and width and across each pocket..Bingo your in business..if your in the US contact Mueller's in Nebraska they have a catalog with everything you'll need OR call a store that sells gaming equipment or home entertainment equipment and they can cover it for you..cost would be somewhere around 300 to 400 dollars..Good Luck
I ordered the felt and stuff from this company and it came with some really good instructions. Good Luck
you really need the services of an expert. pool tables have to be level, and only an expert can do that. plus, if you try to put the felt on yourself and don't get it right or have glue too thick under the felt it will affect the game.
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