Thursday, October 28, 2010

How did you introduce table foods to your baby?

My 11 month old baby wont eat table foods. She seems to eat baby food from the jar without too many problems. But won't take table food. I've tried bananna, potatoes, chicken, and scrambeled eggs. Every time she does this whole drama gagging act and spits it out. The food is small enough for her to mash and swallow but she wont eat it. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to compare her to others but it seems like she is behind other babies her age as far as eating goes.How did you introduce table foods to your baby?
First, ask her doctor about it at her 1-year check-up. I hate that answer, but there could be something going on where she's really having trouble with it. If you have a Handy-Cam or something where you can easily take video to show the doctor, do that.

What you might want to try in the meantime is to give her finger food. Let her feed herself instead of you feeding her. Cheerios. Small pieces of fruit (watermelon is great). Banana slice quarters. If she can put it in her mouth herself, it might help. You can also try letting her use her own spoon.

My son has never been a fan of potatoes. Never cared for mashed potatoes as a baby either. Chicken might be a little tough to chew. My son didn't like scrambled eggs for a long time either. You might try hard boiled eggs, and give her the yolk only, cut into small pieces.

There are my suggestions. Good luck.How did you introduce table foods to your baby?
Its OK Mom, don't stress! baby food is very bland, as in yuck to me. maybe she just doesn't care for the added flavor. Try giving her something with no seasoning, like a plain mashed potato. If it doesn't work, no big deal. I promise she won't eat baby food when she goes to school!

She is not behind she just likes what she likes.
how about trying cheerios my daughter just turned ten months and at first i was afraid that would be to hard for her to eat but she does it fine.. maybe she just doesn't like the taste of the things you have tried so far or maybe she just needs more time.. if anything about her not wanting to eat the table foods worries you just call her pediatrician and I'm sure they will talk to you about it
My daughter is 7 months and eats anything you put in her mouth.

However, I would suggest 2 things, first start adding some of the bits of table food in with her normal foods, or try something that has a sugary taste. I think Montana started wanting table foods early on cause she had water and karo syrup from the time she was 4 weeks old. At least with the table food ';hidden'; in her baby foods she should want to try it more. Eat something like french fries in front of her and see if she'll open her mouth then. A lot of babies will try it that way cause they see you eating it.

2nd, Gerber has the graduate things that look like cereal piece, they are flavored, and they are great for adding into her food because they disolve in their mouth. I'm sure by 10 months your daughter can chew but these help get rid of the extra gag reflex she seems to be having. that is why she is drama gagging and spitting it out. That or she just doesn't like what you are feeding her. Try cake icing. I know it sounds retarded, but try getting her to try the sweet stuff first then change her over to other grown up foods.

If this doesn't help. I would recommend you talk to the Ped and see what they have to say. Maybe there is an underlying cause.
If the baby food from the jar is pureed, and you are introducing mashed foods, it is very likely that your daughter doesn't like the confusing texture of mashed food. Most babies don't. Gerber Graduates finger foods (they come in a tall plastic jar, like Cheerios to go) are a great way to learn the pincer grasp and to introduce table food. They are made of rice flour and vege or fruit juice and they dissolve in the mouth almost immediately, unlike Cheerios which require mashing of the gums, so your daughter won't even get the chance to gag on the texture. My little guy loved the sweet potato ones. They aren't too sweet and in less than two days he learnt the pincer grasp and went right to feeding himself table food. But keep in mind, thinking of bland dry food that she can eat is a pain in the patootie. Relish the simplicity, there is no reason to be concerned about her development.
If the baby really is hungry , she will eat it. But if she is waiting for the ';puree'; and gets it each time, she will keep rejecting the table food.

Unfortunately, this can become problematic the longer it goes on. My neice was not ';made'; to eat table food and there she was at age 2 still having to have all her food mashed and pureed. She would literally eat only about 3 things, and they had to bring this food everywhere they went. She is to this day the fussiest eater EVER, and they cater to it by bringing her ';special'; food everywhere they go.

I'm noot saying this will happen to you, but eating table food is certainly a step that the baby needs to master. I would suggest keeping trying, and when she does not accept it,, just wait a little bit and keep trying, because if you give in with the puree, she will wait you out everytime and it could be a long time before it changes.

Try different things. My daughter really like a little bit of muffin. A real moist small piece , its a little sweet , but not too much. I also had good luck with soup, because it has all the different veggies and a little meat and pasta and its cooked nice and soft and has a good flavor. Best wishes. I'll bet there are some support blogs on the internet with people dealing with the same issue right now.
i just gave her a little taste here and there when i was eating and she seemed interested in what i was eating. it's fun to watch their facial expressions when they taste it
My daughter was picky as well but I started finally giving her table food as her only option. Mashed potatoes, mashed peas, carrots, eggs, mac %26amp; cheese, etc. Once she was hungry enough, she ate it. (This was within a day.)

Your daughter just may not like the new texture of the foods so don't stop giving them to her when she refuses it.

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