Sunday, November 14, 2010

How long do i have to leave table salt down in order to kill fleas?

I have fleas in my apartment. I have no pets but other people in the building do. I have sprayed the apt by myself with no luck and the pest controle also sprayed but i still see them. I heard table salt smothers them and was wondering how long it needs to set in order get them out.How long do i have to leave table salt down in order to kill fleas?
I don't know about table salt, but the owner/landlord should be able to schedule a bug bombing of the whole building. Then he should make sure the other tenants have flea repellent for their pets so they won't become a problem again.

Good luck.How long do i have to leave table salt down in order to kill fleas?
Can't you contact the owner of the complex? They'd probably take care of it for you, or at least help since it isn't your own fault. If the flea bomb didn't work, I have no clue what to tell you. Sorry, and good luck!
Not table salt...borax powder. You can buy it in the laundry soap aisle in the store. Spread it on the carpets and under furniture and sweep it down into the fibers with a broom. This dries out the eggs and larvae and they will die. Also, you can use sprays like Raid that kills eggs before they hatch, but you may have to spray every couple of weeks. It takes a few weeks or more until all the flea eggs finally become adult fleas.
Table salt won't bother fleas. Just think how much you would have to put down to smother a tiny flea...
in all honesty we had flees a while ago we have two pitt bulls and a bunny and a cat, and the table salt really didn't work, they sell harmless to your pet treatment bars you place around your home, thats what we used and our pets have been flee free for over a year your landlord and complain... tell them to deal with it RIGHT NOW

good luck
Sweetheart just go to the doctor and ask for pennicilin. That should work unless its too late.
Table salt will only give them high blood pressure
Morton Salt- Sprinkle salt on carpets, let sit for at least three hours or longer, and vacuum thoroughly. This worked great for me.

Dawn Dish-washing Liquid- to kill fleas in carpeting pour 1 table spoon of Dawn into 16 oz spray bottle, fill rest of bottle with water and spray the carpets, upholstery and floors. the soap dries up the insects killing them almost instantly. after 15 min. wipe floors with damp cloth ( or mop) and vacuum the carpets.

Lysol- Spray the carpet and upholstery with Lysol disinfectant spray. the antiseptic kills fleas. repeat the following day to kill any newly hatched eggs.

All these methods work, I have used them all at different times. I personally like the salt method best. I looked for remedies that would not harm children when my daughter was very young, and I continue to use them today. I hope this helps you.

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