Sunday, November 14, 2010

How does the arrangement of the periodic table how does it compare to some card games? help please?

How does the arrangement of the periodic table how does it compare to some card games?How does the arrangement of the periodic table how does it compare to some card games? help please?
Always reminded me of Solitaire.

Cards are grouped into columns with regard to their suit/color (Like similar properties of Groups in the Periodic Table) and in a numerical order down each column (Like the Atomic Number). The Horizontal rows created in Solitaire also have the same numerical value (Like the Periods(Horizontal rows) in the Periodic Table).

...hope this helps.

Also, Dmitri Mendeleev, who created the Periodic Table loved card games and actually created the Periodic Table by making a card for each element and then trying to arrange these cards in a sensible manner.

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